Duration of activity on lobate-scarp thrust faults on Mercury


Banks Maria E.12,Xiao Zhiyong345,Watters Thomas R.1,Strom Robert G.3,Braden Sarah E.6,Chapman Clark R.7,Solomon Sean C.89,Klimczak Christian910,Byrne Paul K.911


1. Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, National Air and Space Museum; Smithsonian Institution; Washington District of Columbia USA

2. Planetary Science Institute; Tucson Arizona USA

3. Lunar and Planetary Laboratory; University of Arizona; Tucson Arizona USA

4. School of Earth Sciences; China University of Geosciences; Wuhan Hubei China

5. Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics; University of Oslo; Oslo Norway

6. School of Earth and Space Exploration; Arizona State University; Tempe Arizona USA

7. Department of Space Studies; Southwest Research Institute; Boulder Colorado USA

8. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory; Columbia University; Palisades New York USA

9. Department of Terrestrial Magnetism; Carnegie Institution of Washington; Washington District of Columbia USA

10. Department of Geology; University of Georgia; Athens Georgia USA

11. Lunar and Planetary Institute; Universities Space Research Association; Houston Texas USA


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Space and Planetary Science,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Geochemistry and Petrology,Geophysics

Reference63 articles.

1. The system of lunar craters, quadrant I;Arthur;Commun. Lunar Planet. Lab.,1963

2. East-west faults due to planetary contraction;Beuthe;Icarus,2010

3. Relative rates of optical maturation of regolith on Mercury and the Moon;Braden;J. Geophys. Res. Planets,2013

4. Mercury's global contraction much greater than earlier estimates;Byrne;Nat. Geosci.,2014

5. Near-synchronous end to global-scale effusive volcanism on Mercury;Byrne;Lunar Planet. Sci.,2015








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