Word sense disambiguation by selecting the best semantic type based on Journal Descriptor Indexing: Preliminary experiment


Humphrey Susanne M.,Rogers Willie J.,Kilicoglu Halil,Demner-Fushman Dina,Rindflesch Thomas C.




Artificial Intelligence,Computer Networks and Communications,Human-Computer Interaction,Information Systems,Software

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1. Word Sense Disambiguation in the Biomedical Domain: Short Literature Review;International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development;2023

2. Indización automática de artículos científicos sobre Biblioteconomía y Documentación con SISA, KEA y MAUI;Revista Española de Documentación Científica;2022-10-18

3. What do You Mean, Doctor? A Knowledge-based Approach for Word Sense Disambiguation of Medical Terminology;Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies;2021

4. Mapping scientific landscapes in UMLS research: a scientometric review;Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association;2020-10-01

5. MeSH-Based Semantic Indexing Approach to Enhance Biomedical Information Retrieval;The Computer Journal;2020-07-09








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