1. Pollock , T.M. Allison , J. E. Backman , D.G. Boyce , M. C. Gersh , M. Holm , E.A. LeSar , R. Long , M. Powell IV , A.C. Schirra , J.J. Whitis , D.D. Woodward , C. 2008 “ Integrated Computational Materials Engineering: A Transformational Discipline for Improved Competitiveness and National Security”, National Materials Advisory Board, NAE, National Academies Press, Report Number: ISBN-10: 0-309-11999-5
2. AGMA 2004 Gear Industry Vision: A vision for the gear industry in 2025, [cited 2013 March 06] ; Web Link: http://agma.server294.com/images/uploads/gearvision.pdf