1. EPRI TR-106454 “Analysis of Steam Generator Tubing from Oconee-1 Nuclear Station,” April 1997
2. J.B. Lumsden “Insights on Local Chemistry and IGA/SCC from Surface Analysis of Pulled Tubes,” (Paper presented at the EPRI Surface Chemistry Workshop, August 1996, Myrtle Beach, SC)
3. P.A. Sherburne “Surface Analysis of Oconee Unit 1 Steam Generator Tubes,” (Paper presented at the EPRI Surface Chemistry Workshop, August 1996, Myrtle Beach, SC)
4. EPRI TR-106863 “Oconee Unit 2 Steam Generator Tube Examination,” December 1997
5. W.A. Byers “Can Traces from the Past Predict the Future?,” (Paper presented at the EPRI Surface Chemistry Workshop, August 1996, Myrtle Beach, SC)