1. Department of Tumor ImmunologyRadboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS) Geert Grooteplein Zuid 28 6525 GA Nijmegen The Netherlands
2. Physical Chemistry of PolymersMax Planck Institute for Polymer Research Ackermannweg 10 55128 Mainz Germany
3. Physics of Fluids GroupTechnical Medical (TechMed) Centre and MESA+ Institute for NanotechnologyUniversity of Twente Drienerlolaan 5 7522 NB Enschede The Netherlands
4. Laboratory of Supramolecular and BioNano Materials (SupraBioNanoLab)Department of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta,”Politecnico di Milano Via Luigi Mancinelli 7 20131 Milan Italy
5. Translational Nanobiomaterials and ImagingDepartment of RadiologyLeiden University Medical Centre Albinusdreef 2 2333 ZA Leiden The Netherlands
6. Institute for Molecules and MaterialsRadboud University Heyendaalseweg 135 6525 AJ Nijmegen The Netherlands
7. Institut Laue – Langevin DS/LSS, 71 Avenue des Martyrs, CS 20 156 38042 Grenoble CEDEX 9 France
8. ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source, Science and Technology Facilities CouncilRutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell Oxford OX11 0QX UK
9. Department of Agrotechnology and Food SciencesPhysical Chemistry and Soft MatterWageningen University 6708 WE Wageningen Netherlands
10. Laboratory of Self‐Organizing Soft MatterLaboratory of Macromolecular and Organic ChemistryDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry and Institute for Complex Molecular SystemsEindhoven University of Technology De Rondom 70 5612 AP Eindhoven The Netherlands
11. Department of Radiology and Nuclear MedicineRadboudumc Geert Grooteplein Zuid 10 6525 GA Nijmegen The Netherlands