Emergency orthotopic liver transplantation in two patients using one donor liver


Bismuth H1,Morino M1,Castaing D1,Gillon M C2,Declere A Descorps2,Saliba F1,Samuel D1


1. Hepatobiliary Surgical Unit and Hepatic Surgery Research Group, Hôpital Paul Brousse, Villejuif, France

2. Department of Anesthesiology, Hôpital Bicětre, Le Kremlin Bicětre, France


Abstract Because of its anatomy, the liver can be divided into two hemilivers suitable for use as two grafts for liver transplantation. The line of division is the main scissure, giving the right hemiliver (segments 5–8) and the left hemiliver (segments 2–4). Segment 1 (caudate lobe) has to be resected. The vessels are divided between the two grafts: the vena cava remains on the right; on the left, the left hepatic vein is sutured into the vena cava of the recipient, which is retained intact. The left graft retains only the left branch of the portal vein, the bile duct and the hepatic artery. The right graft retains the portal trunk, the common bile duct and the right branch of the hepatic artery. This procedure was used for emergency grafting of two patients with fulminant hepatitis when only one donor was available. Both recipients recovered from coma and regained normal liver function. However, both died from causes not specifically related to the operative technique, one from multiple organ failure on the 20th day and the other from diffuse cytomegalovirus infection on the 45th day.


Oxford University Press (OUP)



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