Prospective randomized trial comparing the shouldice technique and plication darn for inguinal hernia


Kingsnorth A N1,Gray M R1,Nott D M1


1. University of Liverpool, Department of Surgery, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Prescot Street, Liverpool L7 8XP, UK


Abstract The lowest recurrence rates after inguinal hernia repair have been achieved by specialized hernia clinics. The Shouldice repair achieves success through application of a meticulous standardized operation carried out by specialist hernia surgeons. In a trial designed to rule out surgeon-dependent variables, 322 inguinal hernias were randomized prospectively to Shouldice repair or plication darn. Fifteen general surgeons operated on 322 patients. Fourteen surgeons in training not familiar with Shouldice repair received constant supervision for six repairs before independent operation. The mean(s.d.) patient age was 58·3(1·5) (range 20·84) years for Shouldice repair and 57·s0(1·2) (range 18·85 years) for plication darn. The sex ratio (M:F) was 17:1 and right side to left side ratio 1.8:1. Six-week complication rates for wound infection (Shouldice repair, 5 per cent; plication darn, 4 per cent) and haematoma (Shouldice repair, 7 per cent; plication darn, 5 per cent) were similar in both groups. There were a similar number of sliding hernias in the Shouldice repair (14) and plication darn (20) groups. After a mean follow-up of 30 (range 24-48) months there were seven recurrences in the Shouldice group and four in the plication darn group (P >0.05). The recurrences suggest that additional supervision of junior surgeons is required during the Shouldice repair learning period.


Oxford University Press (OUP)



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