1. Laboratory of Organic Synthesis Extraction and Valorization Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock Hassan II University of Casablanca Morocco
2. Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Biotechnologies of Biomolecules and Materials Faculty of Sciences and Technology Hassan II University of Casablanca BP.146, Yasmina Mohammedia 28800 Morocco
Abstractα‐costic acid, the main component of Dittrichia viscosa collected from Morocco, was converted to its derivative γ‐costic acid, both products were the subject of a transformation to obtain new oxygenated derivatives (vicinal diols). The starting material, α‐costic acid was converted to methyl‐α and γ‐costate. The two esters were transformed to vicinal diols employing two reagents I2/t‐BuOOH and diluated KMnO4. The first one was the regioselectivity activation of carbon‐carbon double bond using iodine, creating an iodonium intermediate which react with t‐BuOOH to give corresponding diol and the second one was the exploitation of KMnO4 as an effective and environmentally friendly oxidant. These simple and effective oxidants led us to two natural vicinal diols α and γ esters costic with a good yield.