1. Department of Chemistry, Inorganic Materials & Heterogeneous Catalysis Laboratory Department of Chemistry School of Physical Sciences Central University of Kerala, Sabarmati Building Thejaswini Hills, Periye P.O. Kasaragod 671320 Kerala India
2. Post Graduate Department of Chemistry Visveswarapura College of Science Bangalore Institute of Technology K.R. Road, V.V.Pura Bengaluru 560004 India
3. Electrodics and Electrocatalysis (EEC) Division, CSIR – Central Electrochemical Research Institute (CSIR–CECRI) Karaikudi 630003 Tamilnadu India
4. Advanced Nanomaterials Research Laboratory Department of Nanotechnology Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education Thuckalay, Kumaracoil 629 180 India