1. Orphics: Computer Graphics and the Temporal Dimesion of Electronic Color, SISEA Proceedings, Groningen, Holland, 57–74 (1990).
2. Orphics: Computer Graphics and the Shaping of Time with Color, Leonardo, Supplemental issue Electronic Art, 11–16 (1988).
3. Color for Philosophers, Hackett Publishing, Indianapolis, 1987. This discussion was stimulated by Hardin's book and in particular by his aim to encourage others… to come to grips with the relevant scientific material and to promulgate within the philosophical community the opinion that, henceforth, discussions about color proceeding in ignorance of visual science are intellectually irresponsible.
4. Color Vision, Sinauer Assoc. Inc., Sunderland, MA, 1981.
5. Ref. 4, 140–149.