1. Scottish Association for Marine Science Scottish Marine Institute Oban United Kingdom
2. Institute of Aquaculture College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences University of the Philippines Visayas Iloilo Philippines
3. Aquaculture DepartmentSoutheast Asian Fisheries Development Centre Iloilo Philippines
4. Institute of Oceanography and Environmental Science Mindanao State UniversityTawi‐Tawi College of Technology and OceanographyBoheh SallangSanga‐Sanga Bongao Tawi‐Tawi Philippines
5. Department of Life Sciences Natural History Museum London UK
6. Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Weymouth Laboratory Weymouth Dorset United Kingdom
7. IRDR Centre for Gender and Disaster University College London London United Kingdom
8. College of Marines Life Science Ocean University of China Qingdao Shandong Province People’s Republic of China
9. School of Marine Science Sun Yat‐Sen University Zhuhai Guangdong Province People’s Republic of China
10. University of Dar es Salaam Dar es Salaam Tanzania
11. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
12. UMR 7245 ‐ Molécules de Communication et Adaptation des Micro‐organismes Muséum National d'Histoire NaturelleCNRS Paris France