1. Division of Epidemiology Meyer Children's University Hospital Florence Italy
2. Department of Mother and Child Health Azienda USL Toscana Nord Ovest Pisa Italy
3. Division of Pediatric Pulmonology Meyer Children's University Hospital Florence Italy
4. Department of Behavioural Science and Mental Health Istituto Superiore di Sanità Rome Italy
5. Department of Epidemiology Lazio Regional Health Service Rome Italy
6. Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Public Health Research Institute for Maternal and Child Health, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo Trieste Italy
7. Department of Maternal Infantile and Urological Sciences Sapienza University Rome Italy
8. Department of Medical Sciences University of Turin, CPO Piemonte Turin Italy
9. Division of Pediatrics Maria Vittoria Hospital Turin Italy
10. Division of Pediatrics, Department of Health Sciences Eastern Piedmont University Novara Italy
11. Division of Neonatology and Pediatrics Ospedale Versilia, Viareggio, AUSL Toscana Nord Ovest Pisa Italy