Pharmacometrics Markup Language (PharmML): Opening New Perspectives for Model Exchange in Drug Development


Swat MJ1,Moodie S2,Wimalaratne SM1,Kristensen NR3,Lavielle M4,Mari A5,Magni P6,Smith MK7,Bizzotto R8,Pasotti L6,Mezzalana E6,Comets E8,Sarr C9,Terranova N10,Blaudez E11,Chan P7,Chard J12,Chatel K11,Chenel M13,Edwards D14,Franklin C15,Giorgino T5,Glont M1,Girard P10,Grenon P16,Harling K17,Hooker AC17,Kaye R12,Keizer R17,Kloft C18,Kok JN19,Kokash N19,Laibe C1,Laveille C13,Lestini G8,Mentré F8,Munafo A10,Nordgren R17,Nyberg HB1217,Parra‐Guillen ZP18,Plan E17,Ribba B20,Smith G21,Trocóniz IF22,Yvon F1,Milligan PA7,Harnisch L7,Karlsson M17,Hermjakob H1,Le Novère N123


1. EMBL‐European Bioinformatics Institute Wellcome Trust Genome CampusHinxton, Cambridgeshire UK

2. Eight Pillars LtdEdinburgh UK

3. Novo Nordisk A/SBagsværd Denmark

4. Inria SaclayParis France

5. National Research Council, Institute of Biomedical EngineeringPadova Italy

6. Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell'InformazioneUniversità degli Studi di PaviaPavia Italy

7. Global Clinical Pharmacology, PfizerSandwich UK

8. INSERM, IAME, UMR 1137, Paris, France, University Paris Diderot, IAME, UMR 1137Sorbonne Paris CitéParis France

9. Advanced Quantitative Sciences (AQS), NovartisBasel Switzerland

10. Merck Institute for Pharmacometrics, Merck SeronoLausanne Switzerland

11. LixoftOrsay France

12. Mango SolutionsChippenham, Wiltshire UK

13. SGS Exprimo NVMechelenBelgiumClinical Pharmacokinetics and PharmacometricsInstitut de Recherches Internationales ServierSuresnes France

14. Simcyp (a Certara company)Sheffield UK

15. CPMS Technology and DevelopmentSouthall UK

16. CHIMEUniversity College London London, UK

17. Department of Pharmaceutical BiosciencesUppsala UniversityUppsala Sweden

18. Freie Universtitaet Berlin, Germany, Institute of Pharmacy, Department of Clinical Pharmacy and BiochemistryBerlin Germany

19. Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Leiden UniversityLeiden The Netherlands

20. Inria Grenoble ‐ Rhône‐AlpesGrenoble France

21. Scientific Computing Group, Cyprotex Discovery LimitedMacclesfield Crewe UK

22. Department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical TechnologyUniversity of NavarraPamplona Spain

23. Babraham Institute, Babraham Research CampusCambridge UK


European Union's Seventh Framework Programme




Pharmacology (medical),Modelling and Simulation

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