1. Liaison Psychiatry Unit 1 Place de l'Hopital University Hospitals Strasbourg Strasbourg France
2. Academic Neurology Unit Royal Hallamshire Hospital The University of Sheffield Sheffield UK
3. Department of Neurosciences Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Sheffield UK
4. Epilepsy Unit "Francis Rohmer" INSERM Federation de Médecine Translationelle CHU‐University Strasbourg Strasbourg France
5. Epilepsy Research Center Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Shiraz Iran
6. Jefferson Comprehensive Epilepsy Center Department of Neurology Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia PA USA
7. Neurology Christchurch Hospital Christchurch New Zealand
8. Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Sarajashvili Institute of Neurology Tbilisi State University Tbilisi Georgia
9. Department of Neurology Central Hospital Nancy Nancy France
10. Neuropsychiatry Aichi Medical University Nagakute Japan
11. Neurology Section Epilepsy Program Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe Medellin Colombia
12. Universidad de Antioquia Medellin Colombia
13. Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurology Rhode Island Hospital Providence RI USA
14. Neurology and Psychiatry Brown University Providence RI USA
15. Clinical Neurophysiology and Epileptology Department Hospital Timone Marseille France
16. Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes Aix‐Marseille Universite Marseille France
17. Department of Psychology Stellenbosch University Stellenbosch South Africa
18. Neurology Hautepierre Hospital University of Strasbourg Strasbourg France
19. Fédèration de Medecine Translationelle Université de Strasbourg Strasbourg France
20. Department of Neurology West China Hospital Sichuan University West China Hospital Chengdu China