1. and Acute and chronic effects of tributyltin on the mysid Acanthomysis sculpta (Crustacea, Mysidacea). In: Proc. Organotin Symposium of the Oceans '86 Conference, Washington, DC, 1986, Vol 4, IEEE, New York, pp 1219-1225
2. and The Determination of Total And Tributyl Tin in Seawater and Oysters in Areas of High Pleasure Craft Activity, Marine Environmental Quality Committee Report CM 1983/E: 12, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Fisheries Laboratory, Remembrance Avenue, Burnhamon-Crouch, Essex CM0 8HA UK
3. The distribution and potential toxic effects of TBT in UK estuaries during 1986
4. Organotin and total tin in coastal waters of Southwest England