1. and Report on Intercalibration Analysis in ICES North Sea and North Atlantic Baseline Studies, ICES, Coop. Res. Report No. 80, 1978
2. Report on the 6th ICES Trace Metal Intercomparison Exercise for Cadmium and Lead in Biological Tissue, ICES, Coop. Res. Report No. 111, 1982
3. and J ICES Seventh Round Intercalibration for Trace Metals in Biological Tissue, ICES 7/TM/BT (Part 2) Report to the Marine Chemistry Working Group, 1987
4. Determination of Methylmercury Compounds in Foodstuffs. I. Methylmercury Compounds in Fish; Identification and Determination.
5. Determination of Methylmercury Compounds in Foodstuffs. II. Determination of Methylmercury in Fish, Egg, Meat, and Liver.