An extreme flood caused by a heavy snowfall over the Indigirka River basin in Northeastern Siberia


Tei Shunsuke1ORCID,Morozumi Tomoki123,Nagai Shin4,Takano Shinya2,Sugimoto Atsuko1567,Shingubara Ryo28,Fan Rong29,Fedorov Alexander710,Gavrilyeva Tuyara1112,Tananaev Nikita10,Maximov Trofim713


1. Arctic Research CenterHokkaido University Sapporo Japan

2. Graduate School of Environmental ScienceHokkaido University Sapporo Japan

3. Research Faculty of AgricultureHokkaido University Sapporo Japan

4. Earth Surface System Research Center & Institute of Arctic Climate and Environment Research, Research Institute for Global ChangeJapan Agency for Marine‐Earth Science and Technology Yokohama Japan

5. Faculty of Environmental Earth ScienceHokkaido University Sapporo Japan

6. Global Station for Arctic Research, Global Institution for Collaborative Research and EducationHokkaido University Sapporo Japan

7. Best (BiogeoscienceEducational and Scientific Training) CenterNorth‐Eastern Federal University Yakutsk Russia

8. Graduate School of Environmental StudiesNagoya University Nagoya Japan

9. Institute of Low Temperature ScienceHokkaido University Sapporo Japan

10. Melnikov Permafrost InstituteSiberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yakutsk Russia

11. Department of Regional Economic and Social Studies, Yakutian Scientific CenterSiberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yakutsk Russia

12. Institute of Engineering and TechnologyNorth‐Eastern Federal University Yakutsk Russia

13. Institutefor Biological Problem of CryolithozoneSiberian Division of Russian Academy of Science Yakutsk Russia




Water Science and Technology

Reference36 articles.

1. The Changing Face of Arctic Snow Cover: A Synthesis of Observed and Projected Changes

2. A distributed model of blowing snow over complex terrain

3. European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts. (2017).ERA5 reanalysis. Research Data Archive at the National Center for Atmospheric Research Computational and Information Systems Laboratory.

4. Fan R.(2018).The study on physiology and ecology of willows under flooding in Indigirka River lowland Northeastern Siberia using stable isotope tools. Ph.D. Thesis. Hokkaido University Sapporo.

5. Effect of floods on the δ13C values in plant leaves: a study of willows in Northeastern Siberia

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