1. Department of MedicineBaylor College of Medicine Houston TX
2. Medical Care Line and Research Care Line, Houston VA HSR&D Center for Innovations in QualityEffectiveness and Safety, Michael E. DeBakey Medical Center Houston TX
3. Department of Sports MedicineJohn Peter Smith Health Network Fort Worth TX
4. Division of RheumatologyTufts Medical Center Boston MA
5. Department of EpidemiologyUniversity of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA
6. Department of KinesiologyHealth and Sport Science, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana PA
7. Department of Family Medicine and EpidemiologyMemorial Hospital of Rhode Island and Alpert Medical School of Brown University Pawtucket RI
8. Department of Medicine and Epidemiology and Public HealthUniversity of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore MD
9. Division of EndocrinologyDiabetes and Metabolism, Ohio State University Columbus OH
10. Arthritis Center of ExcellenceUniversity of Arizona Tucson AZ
11. Department of Epidemiology and BiostatisticsUniversity of San Francisco San Francisco CA
12. Department of General Internal MedicineThe University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston TX