1. Department of Physics, Optical Nanomaterial Group Institute for Quantum Electronics ETH Zurich Auguste‐Piccard‐Hof 1 Zurich CH‐8093 Switzerland
2. Soft Matter Physics Group Adolphe Merkle Institute University of Fribourg Chemin des Verdiers 4 Fribourg CH‐1700 Switzerland
3. Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Institute for Electromagnetic Fields ETH Zurich ETZ K 81 Gloriastrasse 35 Zurich CH‐8092 Switzerland
4. Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Institute for Electronics ETH Zurich ETZ H 96 Gloriastrasse 35 Zurich CH‐8092 Switzerland
5. ETH Zurich ScopeM HPM C 52.1 Otto‐Stern‐Weg 3 Zurich CH‐8093 Switzerland