1. Institute of Education and Research and Molecular Oncology Center, Barretos Cancer Hospital; Pio XII Foundation; Barretos São Paulo Brazil
2. Institute of Education and Research and Molecular Oncology Center, Department of Researcher Support, Barretos Cancer Hospital; Pio XII Foundation; Barretos São Paulo Brazil
3. Institute of Education and Research and Molecular Oncology Center, Department of Prevention, Barretos Cancer Hospital; Pio XII Foundation; Barretos São Paulo Brazil
4. Institute of Education and Research and Molecular Oncology Center, Department of Pathology, Barretos Cancer Hospital; Pio XII Foundation; Barretos São Paulo Brazil
5. Medicity Research Laboratory and Department of Oral Pathology, Institute of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine; University of Turku; Turku Finland
6. Department of Pathology; Turku University Central Hospital; Turku Finland
7. Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa of São Paulo; São Paulo Brazil
8. Department of Radiology and Oncology, Faculty of Medicine; Universidade de São Paulo; São Paulo Brazil
9. Laboratory of Medical Investigation 14, Faculty of Medicine; Universidade de São Paulo; São Paulo Brazil
10. Life and Health Sciences Research Institute, School of Health Sciences; University of Minho; Braga Portugal
11. Life and Health Sciences Research Institute/3Bs-PT Government Associate Laboratory; Braga Portugal