Mineralogy of an active eolian sediment from the Namib dune, Gale crater, Mars


Achilles C. N.1ORCID,Downs R. T.1,Ming D. W.2ORCID,Rampe E. B.2ORCID,Morris R. V.2,Treiman A. H.3ORCID,Morrison S. M.1,Blake D. F.4ORCID,Vaniman D. T.5ORCID,Ewing R. C.6ORCID,Chipera S. J.7,Yen A. S.8,Bristow T. F.4ORCID,Ehlmann B. L.89ORCID,Gellert R.10ORCID,Hazen R. M.11,Fendrich K. V.12,Craig P. I.3ORCID,Grotzinger J. P.9,Des Marais D. J.4,Farmer J. D.13,Sarrazin P. C.14,Morookian J. M.8


1. Department of Geosciences; University of Arizona; Tucson Arizona USA

2. Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Division; NASA Johnson Space Center; Houston Texas USA

3. Lunar and Planetary Institute; Houston Texas USA

4. NASA Ames Research Center; Moffett Field California USA

5. Planetary Science Institute; Tucson Arizona USA

6. Department of Geology and Geophysics; Texas A&M University; College Station Texas USA

7. Chesapeake Energy; Oklahoma City Oklahoma USA

8. Jet Propulsion Laboratory; California Institute of Technology; Pasadena California USA

9. Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences; California Institute of Technology; Pasadena California USA

10. Department of Physics; University of Guelph; Guelph Ontario Canada

11. Geophysical Laboratory; Carnegie Institution; Washington District of Columbia USA

12. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; American Museum of Natural History; New York New York USA

13. School of Earth and Space Exploration; Arizona State University; Tempe Arizona USA

14. SETI Institute; Mountain View California USA


NASA Mars Science Laboratory Mission

NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship Program


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Space and Planetary Science,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Geochemistry and Petrology,Geophysics

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