MAHLI at the Rocknest sand shadow: Science and science-enabling activities


Minitti M. E.1,Kah L. C.2,Yingst R. A.3,Edgett K. S.4,Anderson R. C.5,Beegle L. W.5,Carsten J. L.5,Deen R. G.5,Goetz W.6,Hardgrove C.2,Harker D. E.4,Herkenhoff K. E.7,Hurowitz J. A.8,Jandura L.5,Kennedy M. R.4,Kocurek G.9,Krezoski G. M.4,Kuhn S. R.5,Limonadi D.5,Lipkaman L.4,Madsen M. B.10,Olson T. S.11,Robinson M. L.5,Rowland S. K.12,Rubin D. M.1314,Seybold C.5,Schieber J.15,Schmidt M.16,Sumner D. Y.17,Tompkins V. V.5,Van Beek J. K.4,Van Beek T.4


1. Applied Physics Laboratory; Johns Hopkins University; Laurel Maryland USA

2. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences; University of Tennessee; Knoxville Tennessee USA

3. Planetary Science Institute; Tucson Arizona USA

4. Malin Space Science Systems; San Diego California USA

5. Jet Propulsion Laboratory; California Institute of Technology; Pasadena California USA

6. Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung; Katlenburg-Lindau Germany

7. U.S. Geological Survey; Flagstaff Arizona USA

8. Department of Geosciences; Stony Brook University; Stony Brook New York USA

9. Jackson School of Geosciences; University of Texas at Austin; Austin Texas USA

10. Niels Bohr Institute; University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen Denmark

11. Department of Information Technology and Computer Engineering; Salish Kootenai College; Pablo Montana USA

12. Department of Geology and Geophysics; University of Hawai'i at Mānoa; Honolulu Hawai'i USA

13. U.S. Geological Survey; Menlo Park California USA

14. Now at Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences; University of California; Santa Cruz California USA

15. Department of Geological Sciences; Indiana University; Bloomington Indiana USA

16. Department of Earth Science; Brock University; St. Catharines Ontario Canada

17. Department of Geology; University of California; Davis California USA


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Space and Planetary Science,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Geochemistry and Petrology,Geophysics

Reference88 articles.

1. Geologic mapping and characterization of Gale crater, and implications for its potential as a Mars Science Laboratory landing site;Anderson;Mars,2010

2. In situ cleaning of instruments for the sensitive detection of organics on Mars;Anderson;Rev. Sci. Instrum.,2012

3. Collecting powdered samples in Gale crater, Mars: An overview of the Mars Science Laboratory Sample Acquisition, Sample Processing and Handling System;Anderson;Space Sci. Rev.,2012

4. Andrews-Hanna , J. C. A. Soto M. I. Richardson 2012 Meridiani Planum and Gale Crater: Hydrology and climate of Mars at the Noachian-Hesperian Boundary







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