1. Department of Urology Semmelweis University Budapest Hungary
2. Dr. Senckenberg Institute of Pathology University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University Frankfurt Frankfurt Germany
3. Institute of Pathology, West German Cancer Center University of Duisburg‐Essen, University Hospital Essen Essen Germany
4. Department of Urology, West German Cancer Center University of Duisburg‐Essen, University Hospital Essen Essen Germany
5. Vancouver Prostate Centre University of British Columbia Vancouver Canada
6. Department of Molecular Biology Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Semmelweis University Budapest Hungary
7. Institute of Pathology RWTH Aachen University Aachen Germany
8. Department of Pathology, Forensic and Insurance Medicine Semmelweis University Budapest Hungary
9. National Institute of Oncology Budapest Hungary
10. Thermo Fisher Scientific Ann Arbor Michigan USA
11. Department for BioMedical Research, Urology Research Laboratory University of Bern Bern Switzerland
12. Department of Urology, Inselspital Bern University Hospital Bern Switzerland
13. Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Cancer Biomarker Research Group Institute of Enzymology Budapest Hungary
14. 2nd Department of Pediatrics and Department of Bioinformatics Semmelweis University Budapest Hungary
15. Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research Semmelweis University Budapest Hungary
16. Department of Urology University Medical Center Hamburg‐Eppendorf Hamburg Germany