1. Engineering Faculty Sivas Cumhuriyet University 58140 Sivas Turkey
2. Faculty of Education Erciyes University 38039 Kayseri Turkey
Interest in the research of renewable natural energy sources, such as solar, wind, water, and biomass, which will both protect the environment in an ecological sense and contribute to sustainable development, is increased to prevent the energy crisis that may occur in the future with the decrease in energy resources. Low‐cost and environmentally friendly nanogenerator systems are developed to generate, efficiently use, and store the energy obtained from these sources. A small portion of sunlight is used by solar heat collection and energy panel systems developed to generate heat and electricity; the remaining large part, in contrast, is used by photosynthetic organisms such as plants and algae to ensure the photosynthetic cycle. Photosynthetic energy, nanomaterials used to collect this energy, device performances, the effect of the parts in the photosynthetic cycle on device efficiency, and recent developments are discussed, and the development of photosynthetic energy is reviewed. Nanostructured materials play an active role in increasing the photosynthetic effect while converting solar energy into electrical energy by photosynthesis. Further research on developing photosynthetic nanogenerators, particularly enhancing the generation of photosynthetic electrons using nanomaterials and ensuring their more efficient transfer, is recommended.
Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu