1. Department of Materials Chemistry National Institute of Chemistry Hajdrihova 19 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
2. Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology University of Ljubljana Večna pot 113 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenia
3. Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering University of Maribor Smetanova ulica 17 SI-2000 Maribor Slovenia
Herein, a comparative analysis of two case example catalysts for electrocatalytic hydrogenation (ECH) of furfural under acidic conditions, namely a copper polycrystalline disc and copper nanoparticles dispersed on carbon support, is performed. To gain a detailed insight on ECH trends, a task‐specific methodology is employed based on electrochemistry–mass spectrometry coupling, which enabled time‐ and potential‐resolved detection of volatile ECH products, i.e., 2‐methylfurane (2‐MF) and H2. In this way, the ability to elucidate potential‐dependent product distribution for the two catalysts, namely faradaic efficiency, is achieved. Accordingly, the nanoparticulate analog is significantly more active toward competitive hydrogen evolution reaction and 2‐MF production, whereas the polycrystalline sample is more selective toward furfuryl alcohol. The observed differences in ECH are ascribed to alterations in surface domains, which is supported by surface‐sensitive lead underpotential deposition characterization.
Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost RS
Ministrstvo za Izobraževanje, Znanost in Šport
European Commission
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2 articles.