1. Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art; University of Oxford; Dyson Perrins Building Oxford OX1 3QY UK
2. Department of Chemistry, Research Unit: Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry; Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Brussels 1050 Belgium
3. The Institute of Archaeology; Beaumont Street, University of Oxford; Oxford OX1 2PG UK
4. National Museums Northern Ireland; Ulster Folk and Transport Museum; Cultra Holywood BT18 0EU UK
5. Department of Geology; Trinity College Dublin; Dublin 2 Ireland
6. Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre; East Kilbride Glasgow G75 0QF UK
7. Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment; Geological Survey of Northern Ireland; Dundonald House Belfast BT4 3SB UK
8. Laboratoire G-Time, DGES, CP 160/02, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB); Brussels 1050 Belgium