1. Key Laboratory of Bioorganic Phosphorus Chemistry and Chemical Biology (Ministry of Education)Department of ChemistryTsinghua University 100084 Beijing P. R. China
2. Institute of OceanographyMinjiang University 350108 Fuzhou P. R. China
3. Zhou Pei-Yuan Center for Applied MathematicsTsinghua University 100084 Beijing P. R. China
4. Institute for Science and TechnologyShandong University of, Traditional Chinese Medicine 250355 Jinan P. R. China
5. School of Molecular Microbiology & BiotechnologyTel Aviv University 69978 Tel Aviv Israel
6. Sagol Interdisciplinary School of NeurosciencesTel Aviv University 69978 Tel Aviv Israel
7. Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders 100069 Beijing P. R. China
8. Center for Synthetic and Systems BiologyTsinghua University 100084 Beijing P. R. China