1. Sydney Cytometry Core Research Facility Charles Perkins Centre, Centenary Institute and The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
2. Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
3. Charles Perkins Centre The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
4. School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
5. Vascular Immunology Unit, Department of Pathology The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
6. School of Computer Science The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
7. Viral Immunopathology Laboratory, Discipline of Pathology, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
8. The Westmead Initiative The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia
9. Sydney Nano The University of Sydney Sydney New South Wales Australia