1. Department of Urology, Governor Kremers Centre Maastricht University Medical Centre Maastricht The Netherlands
2. Psychiatric Services Graubünden (PDGR) Outpatient Services for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Chur Switzerland
3. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Saarland University Hospital Homburg Germany
4. Department of Urology Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital and Buddhist Tzu Chi Universtiy New Taipei Taiwan
5. Victorian Children's Continence Clinic Melbourne Victoria Australia
6. Paediatric Gastroenterology Victoria Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne Australia
7. Children's Bladder and Continence Program, Yale School of Medicine Yale New Haven Hospital New Haven Connecticut USA
8. Children's Bladder Clinic, Evelina London Children's Hospital Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust London UK