Overview of factors influencing consumer engagement with plastic recycling


Ertz Myriam1ORCID,Addar Walid1,Ouerghemmi Chourouk1ORCID,Takaffoli Mahdi2ORCID


1. LaboNFC, Department of Economics and Administrative Sciences University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (UQAC) Chicoutimi Quebec Canada

2. 5R Enabler Designs and Operations Inc. (5REDO) Kitchener Ontario Canada


AbstractMany semi‐durable and durable consumer goods are composed of plastic. Yet, plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues as it harms oceans and marine biodiversity. This state of affairs is worsened because plastic recycling rates remain low. Therefore, one commonly proposed solution is to improve plastic waste management to create a circular plastics economy. However, focusing on recycling management alone overshadows the consumption component and how consumers might contribute to recycling efforts. Although not alone in the overall recycling process, consumers are critical stakeholders in this because through their disposal behavior, they determine the responsible discarding of plastic through recycling. The significance of consumer engagement in driving circularity has been strongly emphasized in extant research and practice. Shifting from a linear plastic economy toward a circular one requires the active contribution of all stakeholders, especially the consumer. Hence, given the centrality of consumers' role, this paper provides an overview of the themes related to consumer engagement with plastic recycling. More specifically, the paper reveals three layers of influence on consumer plastic recycling behavior: (1) macroenvironmental factors, (2) situational factors, and (3) individual factors. This review provides scholars, practitioners, and decision‐makers with better insights into the themes to consider in order to spur consumer engagement in plastic recycling.This article is categorized under: Human and Social Dimensions > Behavioral Science Emerging Technologies > Materials Climate and Environment > Circular Economy


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada




General Environmental Science,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

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