A labeling study of dentin formation rates during crown and root growth of porcine mandibular first molars


Emken Simon1ORCID,Witzel Carsten1ORCID,Kierdorf Uwe1ORCID,Frölich Kai12,Kierdorf Horst1ORCID


1. Department of Biology University of Hildesheim Hildesheim Germany

2. Tierpark Arche Warder e.V. Warder Germany


AbstractWe used fluorochrome labeling to study spatiotemporal variation of dentin apposition (DAR) and extension (DER) rates during crown and root formation of mandibular first molars from wild boar and domestic pigs. DAR was reconstructed along the course of dentinal tubules in four zones of the crown and in the upper root area. In all five zones, mean DAR increased during the first 30% to 40% of apposition, reaching highest values (22–23 μm/day) in the upper‐lateral crown zone. Lowest values were recorded near the dentin‐pulp interface (DPI). Typically, DARs in contemporaneously formed dentin areas were higher in more cuspally compared to more cervically/apically located zones. DER was high (>200 μm/day) in early postnatal crown dentin and then decreased markedly in cervical direction, with lowest values in the cervical crown zone. After this nadir, DER sharply increased in the upper 30% to 40% of the root extension, reaching values equaling (wild boar) or even surpassing (domestic pigs) those recorded in the upper lateral crown. After this peak, DER again decreased. While DAR did not differ markedly between wild boar and domestic pigs, the DER showed marked differences, both regarding maximum values (208.1 μm/day in wild boar, 272.2 μm/day in domestic pigs) and the timing of the root growth spurt, which occurred earlier in the domestic pigs. We consider the more rapid recruitment of secretory odontoblasts in domestic pigs (reflected by higher DER) a side effect of selection for rapid body growth during pig domestication.




Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Histology,Biotechnology,Anatomy








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