Perianal Crohn's disease


Singh B1,McC Mortensen N J1,Jewell D P2,George B1


1. Department of Colorectal Surgery, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK

2. Gastroenterology Unit, University of Oxford, Gibson Laboratories, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, UK


Abstract Background The management of perianal Crohn's disease is difficult. A wide variety of treatment options exist although few are evidence based. Methods A search was conducted using the National Library of Medicine for articles on perianal Crohn's disease and its incidence, classification, assessment and management. Results and conclusion Perianal Crohn's disease can manifest as skin tags, ulcers, fissures, abscesses, fistulas or stenoses. Improved radiological imaging with endoanal anal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging has improved its assessment and may be used to predict outcome after surgery. Many treatment options exist. During acute complications they are generally aimed at resolving the immediate problem and limiting damage to anal and perianal tissues; this may be a ‘bridge’ to definitive treatment. The likelihood of success of definitive treatment must be weighed against the risk of complications, especially faecal incontinence.


Oxford University Press (OUP)



Reference132 articles.

1. Regional ileitis, a pathological and clinical entity;Crohn;JAMA,1932

2. Results of an experimental and histological investigation into seventy-five cases of rectal fistulae;Gabriel;Proc R Soc Med,1921

3. Perianal fistulae as a complication of regional ileitis;Penner;Ann Surg,1938

4. Anal lesions in Crohn's disease;Morson;Lancet,1959

5. Perianal Crohn's disease. Results of local surgical treatment;Sangwan;Dis Colon Rectum,1996

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