1. INSERM U830; Institut Curie - Research Center; 26 rue d'Ulm Paris Cedex 5 France
2. Medical Imaging Department; Institut Curie - Medical Center; 26 rue d'Ulm Paris Cedex 5 France
3. Pathology Department; Institut Bergonié; 229 cours de l'Argonne Bordeaux Cedex France
4. Biostatistics Department; Institut Curie - Medical Center; 26 rue d'Ulm Paris Cedex 5 France
5. Somatic Genetics Unit; Institut Curie - Medical Center; 26 rue d'Ulm Paris Cedex 5 France
6. Medical Oncology Department; Centre Henri Becquerel; Rouen France
7. Medical Oncology Department; Institut Bergonié; 229 cours de l'Argonne Bordeaux Cedex France
8. Pediatric and Adolescent Oncology Department; Institut Gustave-Roussy; 39 rue Camille Desmoulins Villejuif Cedex France
9. Pediatric; Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Department; Institut Curie -Medical Center; 26 rue d'Ulm Paris Cedex 5 France
10. Medical Oncology Department; Institut Curie - Medical Center; 26 rue d'Ulm Paris Cedex 5 France