Bioinspired Printable Tough Adhesives with In Situ Benignly Triggered Mechanical Enhancements


Ma Zhenwei12ORCID,Huo Ran1ORCID,Nottegar Alexander1,Chung‐Tze‐Cheong Christopher1,Gao Qiman3ORCID,Lan Xiaoyi1,Gao Zu‐hua2,Li Jianyu14ORCID


1. Department of Mechanical Engineering McGill University 817 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal QC H3A 0C3 Canada

2. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine University of British Columbia 2211 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver BC V6T 1Z7 Canada

3. Department of Diagnostic and Biological Sciences School of Dentistry University of Minnesota Minneapolis MN 55414 USA

4. Department of Biomedical Engineering McGill University 3775 rue University Montreal QC H3A 2B4 Canada


AbstractAdhesives can intimately connect humans to machines, seamlessly bond diverse tissues in the human body, and manage various diseases. However, the precise spatial control of wet and tough adhesion of biocompatible hydrogels on biological tissues remains a major challenge. Inspired by the bioglue secreted by sandcastle worms, the design of printable tough adhesives (PTAs) is proposed, a supramolecular hydrogel that can be printed into defined structures, in situ mechanically reinforced into a tough matrix with physiologically relevant benign triggers, and strongly adhere to diverse substrates. With carefully selected polymer components and ratios, it is discovered that the 3D printed PTAs can achieve a marked increase in toughness, tensile strength, and stiffness after being immersed in water/saline solution or attached to biological tissues. To assess the robust toughening mechanism triggered by the supramolecular interactions, the effects of polymer content and pH on the mechanical performance of PTAs and the kinetics of their triggered reinforcement are thoroughly investigated. The potential of PTAs is further demonstrated for manufacturing tough connective tissue mimetics, controlling patterned bioadhesion, and designing programmable 4D soft robotics. The bioinspired, printable, benignly triggerable, and adhesive supramolecular PTAs are expected to find broad applications in engineering and medicine.


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Canadian Institutes of Health Research









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