1. The standard guide to Dilthey's works is Ulrich Herrmann's Bibliographie Dilthey(1969), though it unfortunately does not cover material after 1966. Rudolf Makkreel's bibliography in his Dilthey: Philosopher of the Human Studies (1975) is thus an in-dispensible supplement to Herrmann's. The translations of Dilthey in our text are borrowed from standard works on Dilthey in English; in these cases we have cited both the original German edition, as well as the English language source. I wish to thank Professor Makkreel for his critical comments on this essay.
2. and (1966), The social construction of reality. Garden City, Doubleday.
3. Wilhelm Dilthey and Max Weber: An Empirical Approach to Historical Synthesis
4. (1955), Teoria generale della interpretazione. Milan, Dott A. Giuffre. 2 vols.
5. (1977), Symbolic realism and perspectival knowledge. In A poetics for sociology: Toward a logic of discovery for the human sciences. New York and London, Cambridge University Press.