1. Theoretical Physics Division, Rudjer Bošković Institute P.O.B. 180 HR‐10002 Zagreb Croatia
AbstractConceptual difficulties in semiclassical and quantum gravity arise from diffeomorphism invariance of classical general relativity. With a motivation to shed some light on these difficulties, a class of toy models for which one‐dimensional diffeomorphism invariance, namely time‐reparametrization invariance, emerges at the classical level from energy conservation are studied. An attempt to quantize the models while taking the invariance seriously leads to toy versions of the problem of time in quantum gravity, of the cosmological constant problem, and of the black hole firewall problem. Nevertheless, all these problems are easily resolved by taking into account that the invariance emerges only at the classical level, while the fundamental theory that needs to be quantized is not diffeomorphism invariant.
General Physics and Astronomy