1. Department of Family MedicineMedical Faculty Ljubljana Ljubljana Slovenia
2. Department of Medical PsychologyRadboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen The Netherlands
3. Department of Medical OncologyRadboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen The Netherlands
4. Department of Radiation OncologyRadboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen The Netherlands
5. Department Maxillofacial SurgeryRadboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen The Netherlands
6. School of MedicineUniversity of St. Andrews St. Andrews Scotland, UK
7. Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck SurgeryErasmus Cancer Institute, Erasmus MC Rotterdam The Netherlands
8. Department of Radiation OncologyUniversity of Groningen, University Medical Centre Groningen Groningen The Netherlands
9. Department of Otolaryngology‐Head and Neck SurgeryVU University Medical Center Amsterdam The Netherlands
10. Department of RadiotherapyUniversity Medical Center Utrecht The Netherlands
11. Department of Clinical PsychologyVrije Universiteit Amsterdam The Netherlands
12. Department of Head and Neck OncologyRadboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen The Netherlands