1. A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (TIPS RAS) Moscow Russia
2. National Research Nuclear University MEPhI Moscow Russia
AbstractGas chromatography, optical emission spectroscope, high speed video camera were used to study the microwave discharge ignited near the end of the microwave antenna in aqueous solution of ethanol at different ethanol content and different incident microwave power. The pressure above the surface of liquid was close to atmospheric pressure. The main gas products were Н2, СО, С2Н2, СН4, С2Н4. H2 (≈60 vol%) and CO (≈30 vol%) are predominated. The composition of the reaction products in a microwave discharge is practically independent of incident power and ethanol content in the solution, but the total flow rate of gas products at the system output increases with an increase in the incident power and the ethanol content in solution. Best obtained characteristics of process of hydrogen production were: flow rate of hydrogen was of 3240 mL/min, concentration of hydrogen in gas mixture on the discharge outlet was of 59 vol%, maximum energy efficiency of hydrogen production was of 324 NL/kWh.
Polymers and Plastics,Condensed Matter Physics
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