1. Departement of Hematology; Inserm U918, Centre Henri Becquerel; Rouen France
2. Departement of Hematology; Inserm U955 Team 09, APHP Hospital Henri Mondor; Créteil France
3. Departement of Hematology; Normandie Univ, UNICAEN; Caen EA4652 France
4. Departement of Hematology; Inserm U917, CHU Pontchaillou; Rennes France
5. Departement of Hematology; Hospices Civils De Lyon, Lyon-1 University; Pierre Benite CNRS UMR5239 France
6. Department of Pathology; Hôpitaux Universitaires, Paris Centre, Team « Cancer, Immune Control, and Escape » INSERM U1138, Cordeliers Research Center; Paris France
7. Department of Hematology; Necker Hospital, AP-HP; Paris France
8. Karyopharm Therapeutics; Newton MA
9. Department of Biostatistics; Hopital Necker; Paris France
10. Departement of Genomics; Functional Genomic Platforms, IRCL; Lille France
11. Department of Pathology; Necker Hospital, AP-HP; Paris France
12. Department of Hematology; CHU De Bordeaux France
13. Department of Pathology; Institute of Pathology, University of Ulm; Germany
14. Department of Hematology; Ernest and Helen Scott Haematological Research Institute, University of Leicester, Leicester; United Kingdom
15. Department of Pathology; Uppsala Sweden