1. Archaeology; P.O. Box 1000, University of Oulu; Oulu 90014 Finland
2. Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering; BioMediTech, Tampere University of Technology; Tampere Finland
3. Department of Ecology; P.O. Box 3000, University of Oulu; Oulu 90014 Finland
4. Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences; P.O. 111, University of Eastern Finland; Joensuu 80101 Finland
5. Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Systems; P.O. Box 589, Tampere University of Technology; Tampere 33101 Finland
6. Unit of Health Sciences, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences; P.O. Box 35, (L328); 40014 University of Jyväskylä Finland
7. GeroCenter Foundation for Aging Research and Development; Rautpohjankatu 8 Jyväskylä 40700 Finland
8. Unit of Research & Education, Central Hospital of Central Finland; Keskussairaalantie 19 Jyväskylä 40620 Finland
9. UMR5199, De la Prehistoire a l?Actuel: Culture, Environnement, et Anthropologie (PACEA); Bâtiment B8, Allée Géoffroy Saint Hilaire, CS 50023 Pessac Cedex 33615 France
10. The UKK Institute for Health Promotion Research; P.O. Box 30, Kaupinpuistonkatu 1 Tampere 33501 Finland