Enhancing Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Conductive Textile for Wearable Embedded Systems Through Copper Electroplating


Gaubert Valentin1,Yendigoyeva Aizhan1,Muniraj Vedi Kuyil Azhagan1,Boddaert Xavier1,Djenizian Thierry12,Delattre Roger1ORCID


1. Department of Flexible Electronics Mines Saint‐Etienne, Center of Microelectronics in Provence F‐13541 Gardanne France

2. Center of Physical‐Chemical Methods of Research and Analysis Al‐Farabi Kazakh National University Tole bi str. 96A Almaty Kazakhstan


Wearable electronics, particularly electronic textiles, hold promise for significant advancements, yet their limited electrical conductivity hinders widespread application. This study examines the application of copper electrodeposition to enhance the electromechanical attributes of textronics. The conductive fabric undergoes copper electroplating for varying durations, assessing the increase in electrical conductivity relative to copper thickness. Experimental conditions span current densities from 0.2 to 20 A dm−2. Additionally, the research evaluates the mechanical resistance of the resulting interconnection with conventional electronic components. Voltammetric measurements, sheet resistance, and microscope observations establish optimal copper deposition conditions. As hypothesized, an inverse proportionality between the sheet resistance of the electrodeposited fabric and the thickness of the copper layer has been observed. This improvement raises a query: does the electromechanical reliability of e‐textiles improve with the addition of only a few micrometers of copper? The study reveals the significant enhancement of the mechanical resistance of soldered interconnections with rigid components after a few seconds of electrodeposition as well as an improvement of the quality factor of a textile antenna. In conclusion, electroplating significantly improves the electromechanical properties of textronics without compromising their wearability. This discovery paves the way for novel applications such as wireless fast charging with textile antennas.



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