Microstructural Modifications and Failure Mechanisms of an Aluminum‐Based Abradable Coating System during Isothermal and Cyclic Aging


Prillieux Aurélien12ORCID,Thouron Carole1,Josse Claudie3,Proietti Arnaud3,Julien Gurt‐Santanach4,Fabrice Crabos3,Benoit Malard1


1. CIRIMAT Université de Toulouse CNRS INPT UPS ENSIACET 4 allée Emile Monso 31030 Toulouse France

2. Pôle Matériaux Métalliques et Procédés IRT Saint Exupéry Bâtiment B612, 3 Rue Tarfaya, CS 34436 31405 Toulouse cedex 4 France

3. UMS CASTAING Université de Toulouse 3 rue Caroline Aigle 31400 Toulouse France

4. SAFRAN HELICOPTER ENGINES – groupe SAFRAN 64510 Bordes France


Abradable systems are used in the aeronautical industry to improve the efficiency of gas turbine. Those materials are exposed in service to temperature up to 450 °C. The increase in gas turbine efficiency requires to increase the operating temperature and therefore the service temperature of abradable coating. The present study focuses on the isothermal and cyclic thermal aging of the Al–Si abradable coating system in a laboratory air at high temperature up to 500 °C. The investigation encompasses the microstructural evolution, phase transformation, and the formation of cracks, along with their interrelated effects. During aging, silicon particles precipitate in the abradable top coat. In addition, coarsening of those particles is observed and the coarsening kinetics appears to be faster in cyclic thermal aging conditions compared to isothermal aging. During cyclic and isothermal aging, brittle aluminides develope at the abradable top–coat/bond–coat interface, due to the interdiffusion of Al and Ni species. During cyclic aging, thermal cycles create thermomechanical stress at the top‐coat/bont‐coat interface due to coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch between the Al‐Si deposit and intermetallic phases. The stress generated results in the formation of cracks and porosities at the top–coat/bond–coat interface resulting in a dramatic failure of the system.



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