1. University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre, Salford Royal National Health Service Foundation TrustSalford United Kingdom
2. Greater Manchester Neurosciences Centre, Salford Royal National Health Service Foundation TrustSalford United Kingdom
3. Neurological Service, San Camillo de' Lellis General HospitalRieti Italy
4. Neurological Section, Center for Cardiovascular Medicine and Cerebrovascular Disease Prevention (SMDN)Sulmona Italy
5. Department of Emergency MedicineMassachusetts General HospitalBoston MA
6. Department of NeurologyMaastricht University Medical CenterMaastricht the Netherlands
7. Department of NeurologyOulu University HospitalOulu Finland
8. Department of NeurologyHelsinki University Central HospitalHelsinki Finland
9. Department of NeurologyRoyal Melbourne HospitalParkville Australia
10. Department of Neurology and NeurosurgeryRudolf Magnus Brain Center, University Medical Center UtrechtUtrecht the Netherlands
11. Department of NeurologyUniversity of Lille Nord de France (UDSL), Lille University Hospital CenterLille France
12. Department of NeurologyAustin HospitalHeidelberg Australia
13. Department of NeurologyUniversity of HeidelbergHeidelberg Germany
14. University College LondonLondon United Kingdom
15. Department of Internal MedicineSanta Croce e Carle HospitalCuneo Italy
16. Internal Medicine, Cecina HospitalCecina Italy
17. Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of EdinburghEdinburgh United Kingdom
18. Neurointensive Care Unit, Pasteur SanatoriumCatamarca Argentina
19. Intensive Care Unit, San Juan Bautista HospitalCatamarca Argentina
20. Department of NeurologyMassachusetts General HospitalBoston MA
21. Department of MedicineImperial College LondonLondon United Kingdom
22. Department of Medical EmergencySan Camillo de' Lellis General HospitalRieti Italy
23. Department of Medicine and Florey InstituteUniversity of MelbourneMelbourne Australia