1. 1991 Influence de quelques facteurs abiotiques sur l'abondance de civelles d'Anguilla anguilla dans l'Estuaire de la Loire (France). EIFAC-Working Party on Eel, Dublin (Ireland), May 1991.
2. Abundance and Distribution of Eels(Anguilla anguilla) in the Rio Minho
3. and , 1993 The glass eel fishery and the by-catch in the Rio Minho after one decade (1981–1982 and 1991–1992). EIFAC-Working Party on Eel and Eelculture, 24.–29. May 1993, Olsztyn, Poland.
4. 1991 The fluctuation of glass eel migration in the Mondego estuary (Portugal). EIFAC-Working Party on Eel, Dublin (Ireland), May 1991.