AAPM WGTG51 Report 385: Addendum to the AAPM's TG‐51 protocol for clinical reference dosimetry of high‐energy electron beams


Muir Bryan1,Davis Stephen2,Dhanesar Sandeep3,Hillman Yair4,Iakovenko Viktor5,Kim Grace Gwe‐Ya6,Alves Victor Gabriel Leandro7,Lei Yu8,Lowenstein Jessica9,Renaud James1,Sarfehnia Arman1011,Siebers Jeffrey7,Tantôt Laurent12


1. Metrology Research Centre National Research Council of Canada Ottawa Ontario Canada

2. Department of Radiation Oncology Miami Cancer Institute Miami Florida USA

3. Department of Radiation Oncology Houston Methodist Hospital Houston, Texa USA

4. Department of Radiation Oncology, Sharett Institute of Oncology, Hadassah Medical Center Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem Israel

5. UT Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, Texa USA

6. Department of Radiation Medicine and Applied Sciences UC San Diego School of Medicine San Diego California USA

7. Department of Radiation Oncology University of Virginia Charlottesville Virginia USA

8. Department of Radiation Oncology University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha Nebraska USA

9. Department of Radiation Physics UT M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Texa USA

10. Department of Radiation Oncology University of Toronto Toronto ON Canada

11. Department of Medical Physics Odette Cancer Centre Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Toronto Ontario Canada

12. Département de radio‐oncologie CIUSSS de l'Est‐de‐l'Île‐de‐Montréal – Hôpital Maisonneuve‐Rosemont Montreal Quebec Canada


AbstractAn Addendum to the AAPM's TG‐51 protocol for the determination of absorbed dose to water is presented for electron beams with energies between 4 MeV and 22 MeV (). This updated formalism allows simplified calibration procedures, including the use of calibrated cylindrical ionization chambers in all electron beams without the use of a gradient correction. New data are provided for electron beams based on Monte Carlo simulations. Implementation guidance is provided. Components of the uncertainty budget in determining absorbed dose to water at the reference depth are discussed. Specifications for a reference‐class chamber in electron beams include chamber stability, settling, ion recombination behavior, and polarity dependence. Progress in electron beam reference dosimetry is reviewed. Although this report introduces some major changes (e.g., gradient corrections are implicitly included in the electron beam quality conversion factors), they serve to simplify the calibration procedure. Results for absorbed dose per linac monitor unit are expected to be up to approximately 2 % higher using this Addendum compared to using the original TG‐51 protocol.










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