1. Quantitative Sustainability Assessment Division; Department of Management Engineering; Technical University of Denmark; Lyngby Denmark
2. US Environmental Protection Agency; Cincinnati Ohio USA
3. Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences; University of Gothenburg; Gothenburg Sweden
4. Department of Strategy and Corporate Social Responsibility; International Reference Centre for the Life Cycle of Products; Processes and Services; School of Management; University of Quebec at Montreal; Montreal Quebec Canada
5. Chapema Environmental Strategies; North Vancouver British Columbia Canada
6. DdZ Ecotox; Odijk The Netherlands
7. International Copper Association; New York New York USA
8. Quantis; Lausanne Switzerland
9. PRé Sustainability; Amersfoort The Netherlands
10. Department of Technology Management and Economics; Chalmers University of Technology; Gothenburg Sweden
11. School of Public Health; University of Michigan; Ann Arbor Michigan USA
12. School of Public Health; University of California; Berkeley California USA
13. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment; Bilthoven The Netherlands
14. Department of Environmental Science; Radboud University; Nijmegen The Netherlands
15. Swerea IVF; Mölndal Sweden
16. Directorate D-Sustainable Resources; Joint Research Centre; European Commission; Ispra Italy
17. Procter & Gamble; Strombeek-Bever Belgium
18. Department of Ecological Science; Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; Amsterdam The Netherlands
19. Institute of Environmental Sciences; Leiden University; Leiden The Netherlands