Collaborative information seeking and retrieval


Foster Jonathan




Library and Information Sciences,Information Systems

Reference76 articles.

1. Adamczyk , P. D. 2004 Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Multimedia 512 515

2. Web-based collaboratories: From centres without walls to collaboratories in use;Journal of Digital Information Management,2004

3. From PHOAKS to TopicShop: Experiments in Social Data Mining

4. Experiments in social data mining: The TopicShop system;Amento;ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction,2003

5. Blackwell , A. F. Stringer , M. Toye , E. F. Rode , J. A. 2004 Extended Abstracts of the 2004 Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems 1473 1476

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1. An Attitude toward the Collaborative Information Behavior: A Systematic Review;Serials Review;2023-09-22

2. Factors for Information Seeking and Sharing During Accomplishig Collaborative Activities in Vocational Schools;Sustainable Education and Development – Sustainable Industrialization and Innovation;2023

3. Library and information science applied studies on collaborative information behavior;Library & Information Science Research;2022-10

4. Challenges on Collective Information-Seeking Behaviour in Tanzanian Vocational Training Institutions (TVETS);Sustainable Education and Development – Making Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable;2022

5. Understanding roles in collaborative information behaviour: a case of Chinese group travelling;Information Processing & Management;2021-07







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