1. Department of Polymer Science and Technology; POLYMAT, University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU, P.O. Box 1072; Donostia San Sebastian 20080 Spain
2. TECNALIA, Construction Division, Area Anardi 5; Azpeitia E-20730 Spain
3. Macrobehaviour-Mesostructure-Nanotechnology SGIker Service, Polytechnic School; University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU, Plaza Europa 1; Donostia San Sebastian 20018 Spain
4. GIPSA-Lab, CNRS, 11 rue des Mathématiques, Grenoble Campus, BP.46; F-38402 St. Martin d'Hères Cedex France
5. NEM Solutions; Paseo Mikeletegi 54 San Sebastian 20009 Spain