1. Annual Report 2004 [Online]. (Eltra) Energinet.dk, Transmission System Operator of Denmark, Fredericia, 2005. Available: http://www.eltra.dk/media(16500,1033)/%C3%85rsrapport_2004_GB.pdf.
2. Annual Report 2004 [Online]. (Elkraft System) Energinet.dk, Transmission System Operator of Denmark, Ballerup, 2005. Available: http://www.elkraft-system.dk/Elkraft/UK/Publications.nsf/0/761B7F79DE33E5A1C12570070045D213/$File/System_04_UK.pdf.
3. Connection of wind turbines to low and medium voltage networks. Committee Recommendations KR 111 [Online]. DEFU, Copenhagen, 1998. Available: http://www.defu.dk/publikationer/rapporter-key.asp?RapportKey=35.
4. Specifications for connecting wind farms to the transmission network. TP98-328b (2nd Edn)/ELT1999-411a, Energinet.dk, Transmission System Operator of Denmark, Fredericia, 2000.
5. Wind turbines connected to grids with voltages above 100kV—technical regulations for the properties and the control of wind turbines. TF 3.2.5 [Online]. Energinet.dk, Transmission System Operator of Denmark, Fredericia, 2004. Available: http://www.eltra.dk/media(16566,1033)/Teknisk_forskrift_TF_3.2.5-engelsk%2F12juli05.pdf.