Public Health Word of the Year 2022 – New Normal


Lucero‐Prisno Don Eliseo123,Shomuyiwa Deborah Oluwaseun4ORCID,Ramazanu Sheena5ORCID,Adebisi Yusuff Adebayo6,Duarte Jude Altiveros7,Azanza Patrick Alain8,Wong Martin C. S.9ORCID,Kouwenhoven M. B. N.10ORCID


1. Department of Global Health and Development London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine London UK

2. Faculty of Management and Development Studies University of the Philippines Open University Los Baños Laguna Philippines

3. Faculty of Public Health Mahidol University Bangkok Thailand

4. Faculty of Pharmacy University of Lagos Lagos Nigeria

5. Leadership Institute for Global Health Transformation, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health National University of Singapore Singapore Singapore

6. Nuffield Department of Population Health University of Oxford Oxford UK

7. Southern Leyte State University Sogod, Southern Leyte Philippines

8. Catanduanes State University Virac Catanduanes Philippines

9. JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR China

10. Department of Physics Xi'an Jiaotong‐Liverpool University (XJTLU) Suzhou China


AbstractThe COVID‐19 pandemic caused significant disruption and forced the global community to adapt to a new way of life. The term ‘new normal’ encapsulates the notion that the pandemic has triggered radical changes, requiring rapid adaptation from the global community. The article focuses on examining the practical implications of the new reality in 2022, the challenges it presented, and the opportunities it offers for shaping the future of global health. The article also highlights significant public health stories that emerged in 2022, including the mpox surge, the impact of climate change, and reproductive health issues and their impact in shaping the ‘new normal’. It argues that the ‘new normal’ provides a unique opportunity to rebuild our world more responsively and sustainably. It emphasizes the need for global communities to maintain adaptability and foster innovation in the face of ongoing challenges. Making informed choices becomes crucial for achieving success within this shifting landscape. Conclusively, the article advocates for embracing the ‘new normal’ as a catalyst for positive change, both individually and collectively. By doing so, global communities can navigate the challenges ahead and create a world that is better prepared for future health crises.



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